The Deadliest Snake on Every Continent in the World

Snakes are one of the earth’s creatures you either love or hate. Some are fascinated with their behavior and movements, while others run in fear at the sight (or sound). Regardless of your opinion on these reptiles, some species are hazardous to humans, and you must take the utmost caution in their territory. All snakes are cold-blooded reptiles, so they must regulate their body temperature using ambient temperatures provided by the sun. Most snakes are covered in scales that allow for ease of movement and also help prevent dehydration. Our planet is home to more than 4,000 species of snakes. They come in all sizes, can thrive in a wide range of environmental conditions, and make themselves at home on every major landmass in the world (except one)!

Discover the deadliest snake on every continent in the world, including their habitats and fatality rates. Also, can you guess which continent doesn’t have any snakes?

North America

The Eastern Diamondback rattlesnake causes more deaths in North America than any other species — even though the Mojave rattlesnake and coral snakes’ venom are more toxic. Its venom is highly potent, and the snake delivers up to 300mg of venom in a single bite. Between 7,000 and 8,000 people are bitten yearly by venomous snakes in the US, and nearly 2,000 of those are from rattlesnakes. If left untreated, a diamondback rattlesnake bite has a 10% to 30% mortality rate (depending on which study you cite). You will mainly find these snakes in the southeastern United States, from North Carolina to the Florida Keys and west along the Gulf Coast.

South America

The Fer-De-Lance is the deadliest snake in South America. Its venom is hemotoxic and highly potent, with enough injected in each bite to kill at least 32 people. This snake causes more deaths than any other in the Americas.


The nose-horned viper is the most dangerous snake in Europe. This venomous viper has long, giant fangs and high toxicity; it is a significant medical risk in some areas. You can find this viper in southern Europe, mainly northern Italy, the Balkans, and the Middle East.


The puff adder is the deadliest snake in Africa, causing the most snakebite fatalities on the continent. Its venom is potent enough to kill four to five men and has a 52% mortality rate if left untreated. Its large hinged front fangs deeply penetrate the skin, injecting the toxins deep into your body, causing immediate pain and swelling. This species is one of the most widespread throughout Africa, inhabiting many countries and habitats, from the Sub-Saharan to the Cape of Good Hope.


The saw-scaled viper causes more fatalities than any other snake in Asia. In fact, it causes more deaths than any other snake in the world. It envenomates 75% of all bite victims, with a mortality rate of 20%. Further, it kills around 5,000 people in India each year. This small venomous snake inhabits arid regions and dry savannas in southwest Asia, mainly India and Sri Lanka..


The Eastern brown snake is the most dangerous snake in Australia, causing 60% of snakebite fatalities. However, their venom is only the second most toxic of any Australian snake. The title of most toxic venom goes to the inland Taipan — a remarkably shy and non-aggressive snake, which has only caused a handful of known deaths.  You can find the eastern brown snake in many areas and habitats across Australia, including along the east coast, northern, and western regions.


Antarctica is the only continent without snakes. There are no reptiles on the entire continent. Antarctica gets as cold as -76° Fahrenheit and plunges into months of utter darkness, which is not a suitable environment for snakes. All snake species need heat for their muscular systems to function and digest their food. Because reptiles can’t regulate their body temperatures (they rely on their environment), they would never survive in Antarctica’s harsh climactic zone.